Hi macroalgae display tank keepers! This happens to me every 2 or 3 weeks. I think I am just going to tidy up a little and maybe clean the glass and an hour later the tank is enveloped in a cloud, corals and sometimes even rock have been moved and a fistful or more macroalgae has been ripped out of the tank.
I never mean it to be so drastic but macroalgae grow so fast in my tank that if I don't intervene I won't have any open water or negative space to enjoy. Also the coral will be infringed upon so I have just learned to accept this is part of maintaining my display. I have good flow so it always recovers quickly and no worse for wear. Is anyone else experiencing this?
I never mean it to be so drastic but macroalgae grow so fast in my tank that if I don't intervene I won't have any open water or negative space to enjoy. Also the coral will be infringed upon so I have just learned to accept this is part of maintaining my display. I have good flow so it always recovers quickly and no worse for wear. Is anyone else experiencing this?