Yesterday we picked up a Foxface to put in the FOWLR tank. This is the last fish that will be added to this tank. It is also the first fish that has been added since adding our Powder Blue Tang. I know, I know, should have added the tang last.
After adding the FF the PBT was NOT happy about it! I ended up putting the FF in an isolation box to protect it and kept it in there overnight.
I did some research and discovered the technique of hanging a mirror on the tank, to get the PBT to focus on himself/another PBT instead the newly added FF. When I first heard this, I thought “There is no $@&#%*+ way that will work”. However, I didn’t have many other options.
Well, it worked like a charm!! The PBT could care less about the FF now, and has been fighting himself ever since adding the mirror. To whoever figured this out….you’re a freaking genius!
For anyone that has done this same thing with success, I do have a couple of questions.
How long did you leave the mirror up?
Was the any concern about the aggressive fish driving itself crazy or hurting itself from going after the glass nonstop? Because the PBT has NOT stopped.
After adding the FF the PBT was NOT happy about it! I ended up putting the FF in an isolation box to protect it and kept it in there overnight.
I did some research and discovered the technique of hanging a mirror on the tank, to get the PBT to focus on himself/another PBT instead the newly added FF. When I first heard this, I thought “There is no $@&#%*+ way that will work”. However, I didn’t have many other options.
Well, it worked like a charm!! The PBT could care less about the FF now, and has been fighting himself ever since adding the mirror. To whoever figured this out….you’re a freaking genius!
For anyone that has done this same thing with success, I do have a couple of questions.
How long did you leave the mirror up?
Was the any concern about the aggressive fish driving itself crazy or hurting itself from going after the glass nonstop? Because the PBT has NOT stopped.