Nano Prize Tank Build

Nano Tank Showdown 2 Contest Prize Build

I was lucky enough to be one of the winners of the last contest. My daughter and I won the Eshopps Deskmate Florida and a box of corals from WWC. We received the tank the other day. WWC said they'll ship the corals when the tank cycles. Which is cool because we are in no rush. This is only our 2nd reef tank. This will definitely be fun.

Equipment So Far
  • Reef breeders Nano LED light
  • IM 30W Mini Helio Heater
  • Sicci Micra Plus 158 gph pump
  • Vivid Creations Dual RFG
  • JBJ Nano ATO
I still need to purchase the Kraken lid.

Today we sat down with epoxy, super glue and insta-set. We grabbed a bunch of old rock we already had and created this...

It's kinda hard to tell from the pics, but there is three points rising at diffrent elevations leaning in one direction. I think I'm gonna leave that rock in the corner as an island.

Here's a picture from the top. I didn't want to overload this tank with rock. I also wanted to have a lot of sand bed exposed. For sand we are going with CaribSea Special Grade.
Not really sure about fish yet. Probably just a pair of clown fish if the tank is big enough. A cleaner shrimp. Maybe a goby. I still have to research what fish can live in a 9 gallon tank.
Can't wait to get this tank wet.

To Be Continued...

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