So my G2 Radion XR30s are old and, as my most recent inquiry illustrates, beginning to fail. It's time to think about replacing them. Here's the catch: my canopy is built with those channel slots attached to slats spaced perfectly for the hardware holes in the back of the radions. I have fat screws in those, and it's super easy to slide the lights in and out on those rails. Are the Gen 3 or 4 radions built the same way? It looks like most of the brand new lights are made such that the back is one big heat sink. Do they have screw holes for mounting hardware in there somewhere? Any advice on how to adjust my canopy for different lights without having to get it down off the ceiling? It'd be really awkward to try doing too much to the canopy while it's hanging, especially since I live alone and won't have help. Thanks!