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Hey everyone, I’m setting up my new JBJ 65 AIO as I’m typing this. While I’ve had success with freshwater tanks in the past, I’ve wanted a saltwater tank since I was 8 years old and saw a clownfish in our elementary school libraries’ tank. I went home begging for a clownfish that day, only to be told no, and ended up with my first goldfish bowl . Which wasn’t all bad, it stemmed into setting up several freshwater tanks in my adulthood. I became good at it, learning a lot over the years on what it takes to make an aquatic habitat really thrive. I saw saltwater and reef tanks as high end money pits that only an expert chemist would be able to have success with. All that said, that “8 year old kid” still wanted his clownfish.

Fast forward to last November, I’m 42 years old now and happily married, watching a rerun of an episode of Tanked. And of course, I see my childhood unicorn being housed in a kids nano tank. Before the episode was even over, I texted my wife at work and asked if she was ok with me setting up an aquarium in our living room. I got a “ where did that come from?” response, followed by “ I don’t mind but I want to pick out a fish “. ❤️

I’d spend the next 2 months binge watching 52 weeks of reefing, my first aquarium, and saltwater aquariums as well as multiple others. If I had to guess I’d watched in excess of 100 hours of videos in that time, and countless searches and researching on this forum every chance I got. And for anyone wondering I am still employed and still happily married, I think!

Jan 1st I placed my order through BRS when the JBJ went on sale for an insanely low price, and ordered up every last bit of equipment I would need. The tank and stand arrived last week, and I’m making RODI in our hallway closet. Here’s a couple pics of what I have so far, hopefully have it up and running in the next couple days.

Thanks for having me, this place is a wealth of knowledge for a newb to be reefer like me.




Word of advice. I don't know if I would ever try and keep the rock from moving again, but I used a 2 part epoxy putty which has dried and is not doing its job. Now I have to be extra careful. I have been asking people how to mount coral. Some people talked about a " sandwich " of epoxy putty and glue. One person puts the mixture into the rock to let it form a shape then puts glue on it. I think that's a great idea. Anyway ask around


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Word of advice. I don't know if I would ever try and keep the rock from moving again, but I used a 2 part epoxy putty which has dried and is not doing its job. Now I have to be extra careful. I have been asking people how to mount coral. Some people talked about a " sandwich " of epoxy putty and glue. One person puts the mixture into the rock to let it form a shape then puts glue on it. I think that's a great idea. Anyway ask around
I actually used super glue gel to hold everything in place initially, then mixed up caribsea rock lock which I then pushed and squeezed into the joints, which it basically a mirror/concrete type of mix. No epoxy was used in any part of the structure. I’m not a fan of 2 part epoxy.

As far as strength, I was able to pick up the entire 35 pound structure, with one hand in the middle, and physically shake it. This was done after about 2 days of air drying. I don’t advise doing this lol, but the last thing I wanted was this thing to come crumbling down after getting it all set up.
Love flame angels are they aggressive? I forgot

So far so good. He was added in the last group, so he wasn’t able to setup his “territory” as the first fish. He mainly hangs in the rock work, keeps to himself and randomly roams the tank from time to time. My YWG has flared up at him a couple times but no physical contact. He just gets agitated when the angel gets too close to the burrow. I haven’t seen any type of aggression from anyone of the fish really.


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I actually used super glue gel to hold everything in place initially, then mixed up caribsea rock lock which I then pushed and squeezed into the joints, which it basically a mirror/concrete type of mix. No epoxy was used in any part of the structure. I’m not a fan of 2 part epoxy.

As far as strength, I was able to pick up the entire 35 pound structure, with one hand in the middle, and physically shake it. This was done after about 2 days of air drying. I don’t advise doing this lol, but the last thing I wanted was this thing to come crumbling down after getting it all set up.

So far so good. He was added in the last group, so he wasn’t able to setup his “territory” as the first fish. He mainly hangs in the rock work, keeps to himself and randomly roams the tank from time to time. My YWG has flared up at him a couple times but no physical contact. He just gets agitated when the angel gets too close to the burrow. I haven’t seen any type of aggression from anyone of the fish really.
Glad to hear that. I tried to get Caribsea rock lock but not available to me on Amazon. Will see if I can find it elsewhere

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