receding torch flesh


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Mar 24, 2024
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Hi guys, I recently noticed two things on my euphyllia colony.

The first thing is that the “flesh” of the every head is getting smaller and smaller, leaving this strage grenish/brownish layer (in some heads its completely gone). Could it be that my colony has gotten any parassite that i’m not aware of?

The second question I wanted to ask you is that I noticed that the heads on the lower part of the colony are all gone and that whatching perpendicularly the coral the dead heads were not directly under light.
My opinion was that they died because of the lack of light, but after noticing this strange problem with their flesh i’m starting to think that it could be something else.
After 24 hours (today) 2 heads are now a bit empty in the center, so I decided to cut the heads off and isolate them from the others (as you can see on the picture)

For the moment I'm suspecting a brown jelly that hasn't developed yet, because I already got brown jelly twice on other torches. I was thinking about doing a antibiotics dip for precaution. What do you think guys?

PS: the coral is under direct flow of the return pump and it is located the power part of the aquarium (it has been there and it never had a problem in 2 years)
PS: the parameters are always been stable since Months and i’m really excluding that the cause it the parameters because I have other torches in the tank, one of these is right next this one

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