Hello everybody, FNG here to R2R forums. I have a 15 gallon AIO that I have used to experiment and try out reefing for the first time bought it 2 years ago. (The tank was a 100 bucks, why the hell not give it spin.) I have a lot of freshwater experience, and once I mastered that I thought entering the reefing hobby wouldn't be a bad idea.
I'll get the the break down of what is my equipment.
-RO/DI Aquatic Life Buddy
- 15 gallon AIO Innovative Marine aquarium
- Substrate: Caribsea Aragonite
(In Refugium)
> inTank Media Basket (aquarium floss top chamber) other chambers are empty
> Custom basket in next section holding Crushed Live Rock and Chaeto (added submersible RGB light with chaeto for growth).
> Aqua Ready NANO Bullet-1 Protein Skimmer
> Sicce Scuba contactless heater (50W) set to 78 degrees
> Spin stream nozzle to OEM pump
> AI Prime 16HD
- Live Stock
3 red hermits
2 blue hermits
1 pin cushion urchin
1 blue button urchin
1 Feather duster
1 Acid Rock Flower anemone
1 Ultra Green Bubble Tip anemone
1 Sexy shrimp
1 Trochus snail
Added Galaxy pod and Eco pods
Isopods spotted in tank and thriving
1 Clarkii clown (murderer)
1 Regal Damsel
2 Banggai Cardinals
Toxic Torch
Facination Galaxea
Splash Safari Chalic
Zoa Colony
Red Setosa Montipora
Random acropora (was a freebie/ no info)
Testing equipment
API Reef kit
Hanna Test equipment (on its way to me)
Now to explain my issues, the tank is 1Y 6M old, I just added my Zoa colony and Montipora, Zoa colony is not happy (closed with a few opening here and there.) The random freebie I got just bleached and my chalic hasn't been happy since I added it a month ago (skeleton is peeking out), my rock flower is loving it and is very happy/vibrant but my bubble tip is closed and pale in the middle... I'm in panic. I have noticed alot of algae in my refugium for a while now, I try to manually clean it out but to no avail of eradicating it. To make matters worse... I found a Aiptasia hanging out in my refugium (Time of post 1st sighting).
Recent parameters: 1/3/2025
kh - 161-179
Phos - 0ppm
Nitrate - 0ppm
Calcium - 500ppm
Water changes are done weekly/ biweekly (5 gallons) with RO/DI water and Instant ocean Reef Crystals to reach salinity 1.026
Feedings are heavy 1 a day with Seachem flakes (waiting on my hatchery to come in for brine and supplement)
I purchased Neophos and Neonitro and dosed 2 days ago, I took a quick Nitrate test and STILL at zero...
I took a peak at my chaeto and it isn't really growing
I know I'm doing something wrong here and seeking a little help from the community.
Is my cycle dead? What should I dose? Do I dose at all? What are my next steps/ how do I approach my solution. I've reached a point where I'm lost.
I will add photos when I can
I'll get the the break down of what is my equipment.
-RO/DI Aquatic Life Buddy
- 15 gallon AIO Innovative Marine aquarium
- Substrate: Caribsea Aragonite
(In Refugium)
> inTank Media Basket (aquarium floss top chamber) other chambers are empty
> Custom basket in next section holding Crushed Live Rock and Chaeto (added submersible RGB light with chaeto for growth).
> Aqua Ready NANO Bullet-1 Protein Skimmer
> Sicce Scuba contactless heater (50W) set to 78 degrees
> Spin stream nozzle to OEM pump
> AI Prime 16HD
- Live Stock
3 red hermits
2 blue hermits
1 pin cushion urchin
1 blue button urchin
1 Feather duster
1 Acid Rock Flower anemone
1 Ultra Green Bubble Tip anemone
1 Sexy shrimp
1 Trochus snail
Added Galaxy pod and Eco pods
Isopods spotted in tank and thriving
1 Clarkii clown (murderer)
1 Regal Damsel
2 Banggai Cardinals
Toxic Torch
Facination Galaxea
Splash Safari Chalic
Zoa Colony
Red Setosa Montipora
Random acropora (was a freebie/ no info)
Testing equipment
API Reef kit
Hanna Test equipment (on its way to me)
Now to explain my issues, the tank is 1Y 6M old, I just added my Zoa colony and Montipora, Zoa colony is not happy (closed with a few opening here and there.) The random freebie I got just bleached and my chalic hasn't been happy since I added it a month ago (skeleton is peeking out), my rock flower is loving it and is very happy/vibrant but my bubble tip is closed and pale in the middle... I'm in panic. I have noticed alot of algae in my refugium for a while now, I try to manually clean it out but to no avail of eradicating it. To make matters worse... I found a Aiptasia hanging out in my refugium (Time of post 1st sighting).
Recent parameters: 1/3/2025
kh - 161-179
Phos - 0ppm
Nitrate - 0ppm
Calcium - 500ppm
Water changes are done weekly/ biweekly (5 gallons) with RO/DI water and Instant ocean Reef Crystals to reach salinity 1.026
Feedings are heavy 1 a day with Seachem flakes (waiting on my hatchery to come in for brine and supplement)
I purchased Neophos and Neonitro and dosed 2 days ago, I took a quick Nitrate test and STILL at zero...
I took a peak at my chaeto and it isn't really growing
I know I'm doing something wrong here and seeking a little help from the community.
Is my cycle dead? What should I dose? Do I dose at all? What are my next steps/ how do I approach my solution. I've reached a point where I'm lost.
I will add photos when I can
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