I and everyone else had had a completely different experience with NYaquatics, I’ve gotten like 20 fish from him. No issues except a few chromis and cleaner wrasse
I have gotten an Achilles tang, moorish idol, and blue spotted stingray. The 3 hardest fish to keep, all doing great from him. All are right away in the tank
have you gone to warehouse in Yonkers and seen the massive amounts of dead fish in the tanks? I had a positive experience with him once he keeps his high end fish in separate 4x4 tanks any other fish is in with other fish. im happy you had a good experience, but I have a long email from him threatening me, my job, and refusing to take ownership when I asked him in ware house what the white speck was on the dussimieri tank which he said was a lifted scale nothing to worry about. I trusted him as the expert. that was not the fish I ordered. I ordered an epaulette and gem tang. he charged me the next day the price for those two fish. he knew the epaulette was sold when I got to his warehouse to pick up he told me he sold the already purchased epaulette and did everything not to refund me. the 'lifted scale' was a necrotic bacteria. I took a tissue sample and got it analyzed, not an everyday sickness for fish. the yellow tang is Hawaiian no from Japan. I just wanted the refund dorms epaulette not the mess he strong armed me into, research up on. him and se how many tanks he's crashed. my 7inch. achilles is dead, my black tang dead, purple tang dead, biota tang dead. metallic fox dead, Fiji fox dead. my tank was stable until his dussimieri came along and I listened to him.
My advice bc im not telling you where to shop from or not but check the copper levels in the shipment bags or if you purchase and pick up even better because he uses tank water, the copper was 2x the uln of what it should be. he moves the fish fast so there are no neurologic symptoms but if there's a defect that absolutely will minimize or mask it.
I suggest setting up a QT tank if you order from him and keep essentials on hand before putting fish into main tank. learn from my mistake.