Tideline 47g AIO


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Apr 9, 2024
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My Planet Aquarium Tideline 47 gallon AIO was started Feb 2024. This is my first reef tank. I also set up a 5g quarantine tank at the same time for fish. I purchased the stand with the tank and added shelving, and some wood for the back of the stand. I painted the interior white. I’ll post equipment pics later.

Pump (upgrade): AI axis 90 running at 40% power. Also, I replaced Tideline’s crappy return with a MADD REEF dual head return adapter.
Lights: 2 Radion XR15 G6 pro. I added diffusers and shades from Printed Reef to cut down on light spillage.
Heater: Helio PTC dual 100W elements
Flow: 1 Vortech MP10. I originally purchased two but only have needed 1 so far since the return pump provides a lot of flow.
Controller: Neptune A3 Apex Pro + Trident tester + MXM module to control lights and pumps
Dosing Pump: Neptune DOS adding 10 mL AFR daily. I’m thinking of also adding NO3, PO4, and iodine since these are usually low.
Skimmer: Tunze Comline DOC 9004 (most recently added)
ATO: Neptune ATK pulling from Bashsea 20g reservoir, which is refilled bimonthly.
Media Tray (upgrade): from Kreative Reefer. I replaced one filter sock to use a media tray for GAC.
UV sterilizer: Innovative Marine 10W aquashield. I used this initially after fish introductions or when algae has been bad.
Cover: Kraken Reef
Rock: Caribsea Life Rock. I forget how much.
Sand: Caribsea Arag-alive. 1.5 bags for a deep sand bed.
Salt: Red Sea blue bucket. Salinity at 34-35 ppt.

All fish currently except a Randalls goby are captive bred from Biota. Most are pretty small at the moment but some will need to be re-homed or moved to another tank as they get larger. Long term for this tank are a mated pair of mandarins, pair of snowflake clowns, Banggai card, coral beauty, grey watchman goby, skilletfish, yellowheaded jawfish, and the Randall goby.

Snails: 10 Astrea, 4 Nerite, 4 Cerith, 4 Nassarius
2 tuxedo urchins
Hermits: 3 blue legged, 2 scarlet, 1 halloween
Shrimp: Randall’s pistol, Tiger pistol, cleaner shrimp, blood red fire shrimp. The pistol shrimp are paired to Randall and Watchman gobies.
1 Fighting conch

The MVPs of the CUC are the urchins and conch. The Astrea and Nassarius are next most useful.

Corals: 5 torches, 3 hammers, 1 frogspawn, 2 Duncans, 3 leathers, 5 Montis, 1 stylo, 2 acros, 3 gonis, 1 chalice, 1 scoly, 7 zoas, 2 palys, 1 cyphastrea, 1 pipe organ, 1 birdsnest, 1 candy cane

Other inverts
1 Crocea clam, 1 BTA, and at least 1 Pom Pom crab

Initial setup (Feb 2024):

I had this odd alcove in my living room to put the tank. The blue light makes the outside look like I have a weird science experiment going on my house, but the light shades have helped quite a bit with that. Coincidentally, house plants next to the tank have grown pretty well.

1 month later (Mar 2024):

The tank took about 3 months to finish cycling even after using bottled bacteria, ammonia dosing, and fish food. In hindsight, I wish I used some live rock. The first fish added was a firefish. However, this fish passed a week after going from QT to DT. I tried again with another firefish and same issue. I still don’t really know why these fish died, as I was testing NH3, NO2, and NO3 everyday. No obvious signs of disease in QT or the DT.

4 months later (May 2024):

I added the UV sterilizer and introduced a Biota snowflake clown directly to the DT, which has survived. I then shortly added a mandarin, another small snowflake clown and Yellow tang in sequence from QT. The 1st clown, male mandarin, and tang, which my wife calls Wang, are still doing well. The 2nd clown introduced didn’t survive the 1st month and was replaced with another snowflake, and these two clowns have continued to do really well. Wang the tang is about 4” currently. I didn’t initially intend to add the most aggressive fish early, but i was grateful to get over fish losses. Wang is soon going to be getting a new home since he’s nearly outgrown this tank. I also added a BTA before corals hoping that it would find its happy spot. This worked pretty well for a while. However, the BTA recently decided to go for a walk, and I’m actually not quite sure where it went. I’ll likely be moving the nem once he re-emerges to a recently set up frag tank.

5 months later (Jun 2024):

My mandarin pair:

In June, I purchased a female mandarin from Biota. Oddly, my male turned out to be female and the female turned out to be male once they got a little older, and I could clearly see their dorsal fins. Luckily these fish have done well together. The male does frequently chase the female at night, but most often they’re swimming in unison like the above video. I guess these are mating events, but I haven’t seen any spawn.

11 months later (Jan 2025):

I purchased some more fish since my wife gave me a Biota gift card for Christmas. Most of the fish are pretty small at the moment. I had to increase feeding significantly and thus added a protein skimmer. Surprisingly, my NO3 and PO4 only spiked slightly to 10 and 0.05 respectively, and they’ve since dropped back down after a couple weeks. Several of these fish will be going to a frag tank that is being set up.

Scoly in the morning:

I picked up a scoly at reefapolooza NY in August. This is probably my favorite coral along with my torches.

Current (Feb 2025):

Below shows the tank currently. I’ll be filling in the back top rocks with some more SPS and left rock with more LPS. I’ll likely need to frag the right Duncan shortly, which has grown a lot.

Tank video:

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My water parameters are 34-35 ppt salinity, 400-450 cal, 8.5-9.5 alk, 1350-1400 Mg, 2-5 NO3, 0.01-0.05 PO4. I’ve been trying to get the nutrients a bit more stable, but they run low even with high feeding. Recently I started adding AF life source since I’ve had a few coral deaths (a couple torches, 1 monti, 1 acro), and my nem hasn’t looked good. I also do weekly 5% water changes and add phyto daily.


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A review of the equipment:

Lights:. The Radion XR15s are really nice in the coverage but overall Par could be higher for acros/clam. Currently I’m getting about 200 par at the top of the tank rock work running AB+ at 90%. I’d like to supplement with an AI light bar but don’t want the extra light spill. The natural light from the window does help to keep my crocea and acro relatively happy. I’m not sure the par on sunny days but I intend to remeasure it soon.

Pump: The axis 90 has been pretty terrific even though I’ve seen a lot of negative reviews. It’s whisper quiet, very small, pumps more than enough, and hasn’t needed any maintenance so far. I do wish I had dual return lines for redundancy, but I’m keeping another pump on hand if I have a failure.

Heater: The Helios heater with dual elements is terrific and keeps the temp regulated between 75 and 76 flawlessly. I absolutely love this product and its redundancy. Also, the power and amp draw have been pretty good. The only downside is the expense, but the regulation is better than the inkbird I have on my QT.

UV sterilizer: The IM Aquashield 10W is pretty good, but the directions are poor. I couldn’t figure out the flow control initially to set to low flow for parasite control. I was running this via Apex control using EB832 on 12h cycle, and it definitely helped with the tank ugly stage. I also have used during new fish introductions to reduce possible parasites and try to limit bacterial infections. Currently I turned off since I’m adding AF life source and am performing microbiome testing via aquabiomics.

Neptune Apex: I absolutely love the overall control and piece of mind this system provides. Neptune did have to replace my Apex within the first month because I got a compatibility issue when adding another liquid level sensor. Their tech support was outstanding. I did run a LAN cable to my router to help prevent it from disconnecting and needing to be reset. This rarely occurs now.

Neptune Dos: I was originally planning to use for auto water changes, but this was way too loud. Unfortunately the quiet Dos 2.0 came out only a month after I bought this. I’m just using for adding daily 10 mL AFR at the moment. So far the accuracy has been spot on after checking once per month.

Neptune trident: I love the precision and accuracy so far. Cal and alk have been spot on versus Salifert and Hanna. I double check versus other tests every couple weeks. Mg testing also appears more reliable than the Salifert and Hanna. The only slight issues was my line clogged once after I let it go dry for a couple days due to reagents not being immediately replaced. I’m thinking of also buying the Trident NP but have been concerned with the reviews on the PO4 reliability.

Skimmer: The Tunze comline doc 9004 has been outstanding so far. The pH has increased noticeably from 7.8-8.2 up to 8.0-8.4, and this is running in the winter with windows closed. Aesthetically I also like that it doesn’t sit up too high in the back chamber. It also immediately was pulling a lot of skimmate. Edit: a couple issues are that this is a bit loud. I may just run at night, which hopefully could also help with pH swings. Another problem is that the skimmate does appear to bubble up through the holes at the top of the collection cup. I’m thinking of just sealing them off.

Vortech MP10: Really nice flow and control. I added a nem guard. My cat sometimes will accidentally knocks this down, so it needs to be secured on the outside. I’m just running reef crest ramp from 40 to 80% throughout the day.

Neptune ATK: I really like this ATO, its redundancy, and the control view Apex. I’m surprised by the negative reviews. So far it’s worked without any issues. The only downside is that the pump is a little loud.
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Gumbies R Us

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My Planet Aquarium Tideline 47 gallon AIO was started Feb 2024. This is my first reef tank. I also set up a 5g quarantine tank at the same time for fish. I purchased the stand with the tank and added shelving, and some wood for the back of the stand. I painted the interior white. I’ll post equipment pics later.

Pump (upgrade): AI axis 90 running at 40% power. Also, I replaced Tideline’s crappy return with a MADD REEF dual head return adapter.
Lights: 2 Radion XR15 G6 pro. I added diffusers and shades from Printed Reef to cut down on light spillage.
Heater: Helio PTC dual 100W elements
Flow: 1 Vortech MP10. I originally purchased two but only have needed 1 so far since the return pump provides a lot of flow.
Controller: Neptune A3 Apex Pro + Trident tester + MXM module to control lights and pumps
Dosing Pump: Neptune DOS adding 10 mL AFR daily. I’m thinking of also adding NO3, PO4, and iodine since these are usually low.
Skimmer: Tunze Comline DOC 9004 (most recently added)
ATO: Neptune ATK pulling from Bashsea 20g reservoir, which is refilled bimonthly.
Media Tray (upgrade): from Kreative Reefer. I replaced one filter sock to use a media tray for GAC.
UV sterilizer: Innovative Marine 10W aquashield. I used this initially after fish introductions or when algae has been bad.
Cover: Kraken Reef
Rock: Caribsea Life Rock. I forget how much.
Sand: Caribsea Arag-alive. 1.5 bags for a deep sand bed.
Salt: Red Sea blue bucket. Salinity at 34-35 ppt.

All fish currently except a Randalls goby are captive bred from Biota. Most are pretty small at the moment but some will need to be re-homed or moved to another tank as they get larger. Long term for this tank are a mated pair of mandarins, pair of snowflake clowns, Banggai card, coral beauty, grey watchman goby, skilletfish, yellowheaded jawfish, and the Randall goby.

Snails: 10 Astrea, 4 Nerite, 4 Cerith, 4 Nassarius
2 tuxedo urchins
Hermits: 3 blue legged, 2 scarlet, 1 halloween
Shrimp: Randall’s pistol, Tiger pistol, cleaner shrimp, blood red fire shrimp. The pistol shrimp are paired to Randall and Watchman gobies.
1 Fighting conch

The MVPs of the CUC are the urchins and conch. The Astrea and Nassarius are next most useful.

Corals: 5 torches, 3 hammers, 1 frogspawn, 2 Duncans, 3 leathers, 5 Montis, 1 stylo, 2 acros, 3 gonis, 1 chalice, 1 scoly, 7 zoas, 2 palys, 1 cyphastrea, 1 pipe organ, 1 birdsnest, 1 candy cane

Other inverts
1 Crocea clam, 1 BTA, and at least 1 Pom Pom crab

Initial setup (Feb 2024):

I had this odd alcove in my living room to put the tank. The blue light makes the outside look like I have a weird science experiment going on my house, but the light shades have helped quite a bit with that. Coincidentally, house plants next to the tank have grown pretty well.

1 month later (Mar 2024):

The tank took about 3 months to finish cycling even after using bottled bacteria, ammonia dosing, and fish food. In hindsight, I wish I used some live rock. The first fish added was a firefish. However, this fish passed a week after going from QT to DT. I tried again with another firefish and same issue. I still don’t really know why these fish died, as I was testing NH3, NO2, and NO3 everyday. No obvious signs of disease in QT or the DT.

4 months later (May 2024):

I added the UV sterilizer and introduced a Biota snowflake clown directly to the DT, which has survived. I then shortly added a mandarin, another small snowflake clown and Yellow tang in sequence from QT. The 1st clown, male mandarin, and tang, which my wife calls Wang, are still doing well. The 2nd clown introduced didn’t survive the 1st month and was replaced with another snowflake, and these two clowns have continued to do really well. Wang the tang is about 4” currently. I didn’t initially intend to add the most aggressive fish early, but i was grateful to get over fish losses. Wang is soon going to be getting a new home since he’s nearly outgrown this tank. I also added a BTA before corals hoping that it would find its happy spot. This worked pretty well for a while. However, the BTA recently decided to go for a walk, and I’m actually not quite sure where it went. I’ll likely be moving the nem once he re-emerges to a recently set up frag tank.

5 months later (Jun 2024):

My mandarin pair:

In June, I purchased a female mandarin from Biota. Oddly, my male turned out to be female and the female turned out to be male once they got a little older, and I could clearly see their dorsal fins. Luckily these fish have done well together. The male does frequently chase the female at night, but most often they’re swimming in unison like the above video. I guess these are mating events, but I haven’t seen any spawn.

11 months later (Jan 2025):

I purchased some more fish since my wife gave me a Biota gift card for Christmas. Most of the fish are pretty small at the moment. I had to increase feeding significantly and thus added a protein skimmer. Surprisingly, my NO3 and PO4 only spiked slightly to 10 and 0.05 respectively, and they’ve since dropped back down after a couple weeks. Several of these fish will be going to a frag tank that is being set up.

Scoly in the morning:

I picked up a scoly at reefapolooza NY in August. This is probably my favorite coral along with my torches.

Current (Feb 2025):

Below shows the tank currently. I’ll be filling in the back top rocks with some more SPS and left rock with more LPS. I’ll likely need to frag the right Duncan shortly, which has grown a lot.

Tank video:


That Duncan has gotten huge in your tank! Thanks for sharing pictures of your tank as it has progressed over the years. I always love seeing a tank where it was at the start, vs now

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