Hey all, most of my acros have limited polyp extension especially during the day. Some of them had much better extension when I bought them and they receded once they were put in my tank. Most the ones I am concerned about have been in the tank for anywhere from 3 days to maybe 3 weeks. Video of the tank and a few of the corals is below. Let me know if flow seems adequate, too much, or too little. Lights are in acclimation mode right now due to adding a 3rd ai blade. 270ish par at the acro level. Other levels are monitored closely and within all common ranges. Alk 8.5, Ca 425, etc... Po4 .03 NO3 2.5. Let me know if any other info would help. Getting frustrated that every coral i put in the tank looks worse than it did in the tank it came from. Tank is like 5-6 months old.