Of course not, along with everything else that's been inflated. I don't think a few hundred bucks is outrageous for a fish, considering what it takes to produce it, house it, feed it, market it etc. Prices of products, whether it's livestock or dry goods, is determined by what a consumer is willing to pay. As has been said when consumers stop buying, the prices may eventually come down.Pricing is whatever the market will allow… when people stop buying, prices will go down.
Plenty of people paid ridiculous money for wild caught YTs… when Hawaii opens up, I really don’t expect prices to return to pre-ban prices.
I don't think anyone here was really complaining about the price, it was the fact that they were advertised as something they were not. And even that is a grey area considering they are bred in Hawaii. Has anyone contacted the vendor and asked then to update their description? Maybe Biota can demand an accurate description of their captive bred fish for the retailers who sell them, as a condition of sale.
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