What circumstances prompt wrasse gender change?


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Jul 23, 2023
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Just pure curiosity. Are there a specific set of circumstances that prompt gender change in wrasse species?

I did a quick cursory glance online but I only really saw if there is a harem and the male perishes or if it is beneficial.

I have a female leopard I've had for I'd guess at least a year and a female dusky in QT going to the same DT after copper/prazi treatments are over. Really like the look of the male dusky so was curious if it was circumstantially possible for a transition.



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there a specific set of circumstances that prompt gender change in wrasse species?
Yes, but we don't fully know what the circumstances are:
My understanding is that most wrasse will transition to male at some point in our tanks (though not necessarily in the wild), but some species are less likely to transition than others.

We're not sure what exactly triggers the transition, but there's at least some info on the change below.
That's my understanding too. The transition seems to be caused by specific stressors of some kind, but we don't seem to understand what the stressors are. In the wild, they'll transition when the terminal male of the group is removed, so it is related to their social structure in some way, but, clearly, the stressor or stressors that initiate the change are not necessarily tied to social structure.
from my understanding the change happens because of certain stressors triggering a few different chemicals in the fish, and that leads me to believe that something about our tanks makes them subpar environments from a stress standpoint for the wrasses, but that’s another matter.

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