Hello for all, I will received a couple of fish and I need to qt all of them, I need some help with the correct qt protocol.
- Copper Power 2.25 ppm 15 days + soak food GC
- Prazipro 7 Days
- Observation tank
Regal Angelfish from Biota size 1”
Flame Angelfish
Wachtman Goby
Blue Spot Jawfish
Neon Goby
Engenieer Goby
Helfrinchi Goby
Sohal Tang
Desjardini Sailfin Tang
Gem Tang
McCosker’s Flasher Wrasse
Bimaculatus Anthias
Borbonius Blotchy Anthias
Springer Damsel
Black Leopard Wrasse
- Chloroquine Phosphate 10mg/L 10 Days + GC soak Food
- Prazipro 7 Days
- Obsevation Tank
Blue Mandarin Goby from Biota size 3/4”
Cleanner Wrasser (Labroides)
Exquisite Fairy Wrasse
I don’t have the QT tank cycled so I need to do Water change, could be 25%, 50% or 100% every 3 days?
Whit the blue spot I don’t know if first is meto+kannaex, then cooper and when finosh copper prazzipro?
- Copper Power 2.25 ppm 15 days + soak food GC
- Prazipro 7 Days
- Observation tank
Regal Angelfish from Biota size 1”
Flame Angelfish
Wachtman Goby
Blue Spot Jawfish
Neon Goby
Engenieer Goby
Helfrinchi Goby
Sohal Tang
Desjardini Sailfin Tang
Gem Tang
McCosker’s Flasher Wrasse
Bimaculatus Anthias
Borbonius Blotchy Anthias
Springer Damsel
Black Leopard Wrasse
- Chloroquine Phosphate 10mg/L 10 Days + GC soak Food
- Prazipro 7 Days
- Obsevation Tank
Blue Mandarin Goby from Biota size 3/4”
Cleanner Wrasser (Labroides)
Exquisite Fairy Wrasse
I don’t have the QT tank cycled so I need to do Water change, could be 25%, 50% or 100% every 3 days?
Whit the blue spot I don’t know if first is meto+kannaex, then cooper and when finosh copper prazzipro?