Spanish Hogfish: Bodianus rufus:I think with yellow tangs being so expensive still it’s worth showing off these fish, here’s a few ideas (Most are not my photos).
Peaceful List;
Yellow ‘Coris’ Wrasse - Halichoeres chrysus (Not a true Coris species, this is infact a peaceful Halichoeres).
Regal Angelfish - Pygoplites diacanthus flavescens (Not completely yellow but definitely worthy of this list IMO).
Common and One Spot Foxface - Siganus unimaculatus and Siganus vulpinus
Addis Butterflyfish - Chaetodon semilavartus (Slightly more reef safe than others in this genus but as with any Chaetodon species, it’s a risk)
Yellow Long Nose Butterflies - Forcipiger flavissimus and Forcipiger longirostris (Like CBBs they are most likely reef safe but it’s still a risk)
Lemonpeel Angelfish - Centropyge flavissim (Same issue as the Butterflies)
Blue Stripe Tamarin Wrasse - Anampses femininus (This is for the experts, they are a nightmare to keep)
Silver Belly Wrasse - Halichoeres leucoxanthus
Yellow Watchman Goby - Cryptocentrus cinctus
Yellow Assessor - Assessor flavissimus
Yellow Tilefish - Hoplolatilus luteus
Boisterous/Aggressive List;
Candy Hogfish - Bodianus bimaculatus (Not to be housed with peaceful Wrasses or smaller species)
Yellow Banana Wrasse - Thalassoma lutescens (Same as above)
Yellow Hawkfish - Cirrhitichthys aurea (Risky to inverts and may go for peaceful fish)
Jaguar Dottyback - Pseudochromis moorei (Aggressive to smaller fish especially in small tanks)
Lemon Peel Mimic Tang - Acanthurus pyroferus (Only yellow as a juvenile)
Queen Angelfish - Holacanthus ciliaris (Risky towards corals and when mixing with other angels)
And with both lists, feel free to add any more fish you think belong here. The more the better!