My corals have not been opening barely at all for probably a couple months now. Thought to just ride things out and do my water changes but now I’ve come for help. Don’t know what could be causing it and what to get others opinions.
Alk 7.7
Phos .04
Nitrate 3.7
Calcium 480 little high
Mag 1280
Salinity 1.027 touch high
Posting some pictures below. Thought gsp would grow in my trash can as others have said it’s so dang hardy haha. Haven’t touched my light schedule at all either. These corals been in my tank for at least 6 months to 12 months.
Alk 7.7
Phos .04
Nitrate 3.7
Calcium 480 little high
Mag 1280
Salinity 1.027 touch high
Posting some pictures below. Thought gsp would grow in my trash can as others have said it’s so dang hardy haha. Haven’t touched my light schedule at all either. These corals been in my tank for at least 6 months to 12 months.