
  1. legacy2mj

    KH/ Alk which to trust?

    Salifert test result - 8.9 Hanna - 7.8 Which to trust?
  2. G

    Triton tests showing high "Lithium", "Potassium" and "Silicon"

    Hello: My Triton ICP test (test link) is showing incredibly high amounts of Lithium, Potassium and Silicon (worth noting that I also did an "ICP-Analysis" test before this one within a week apart and without any water changes in between and that also showed high Lithium and Potassium) Triton...
  3. Naldy_PR

    Iron, Potassium and Idoine test results

    Hi all! Today I did my firsts trace color elements test using Red Sea test kit. The results were the following, Iodine 0.06ppm Iron 0.05 ??? Potassium 413ppm First question, Is my tank within acceptable parameters? Second question, What unit does the iron test measures?
  4. hexcolor reef


    I wanted to write about this subject as I too started to dig into the world of chemistry and became determined to simplify the thousands of words and simple but yet complicated chemistry equations about Alkalinity. come to find out its not that complicated! So let's uncomplicated Alkalinity...
  5. T

    My Tank's Out of Whack

    I've had my aquarium running for around three months now (since the beginning of April), and It's a 48"L x 30"W x 30"H or around 190 gallons. I recently just introduced my first batch of coral frags to the tank (mushroom, ricordea, leather, and GSP) and a green BTA alongside a maroon clownfish...
  6. bri.reffin

    dkh calcium

    sorry for leaving last post unfinished, everythings seems fine but DKH. im looking foward to buy a clownfish to pair my only fish in 20gal. should i hold off? using reef pro salt 2.5-5 gallon water change per week ,calcium 460 ,KH 14.4 (i've test many times in one day) ,salinity 1.026 ,ph 8-8.3...
  7. Fenwickwick

    Alkalinity/Calcium Stability - What You Definition of True Stability?

    Everyone knows one of the keys to successful coral growth is stable Alk/Ca. My question is, what is the real definition of stable? Are we talking about a rock solid unwavering alk of 9.5? or is bouncing around from 9 to 9.5 back to 9.2 , etc. ok? Here's my trident results from the last few...
  8. gizmodo

    EXTREME Magnesium Consumption

    System Volume: 20 Gallons Alk: 8.8 Calc: 400 Mg: 1080-980 PH: 8.2 -Mg consumption of ~50ppm a day -Daily dosing 80ml of 460g/L solution -All other parameters stable. -Upping to 100mL/day Help!
  9. H

    DIY Barium additive

    Hi, Is it possible to mix your own Barium additive? I seem to have chronically low barium in my system. From what I understand, it’s because Fauna Marin Balling Light doesn’t add enough as it’s designed to be used with zeolite media that should add Barium to the system. I need to add more...
  10. R

    The Reef Chemistry catastrophe

    In the beginning of my issues i was struggling with high alk and high phosphates. Its been around a week and i have been doing daily 5-10% water changes to lower these with rodi water. I know nothing good in this hobby happens fast so ive been expecting this to take a few weeks to resolve but...
  11. R

    Help fixing peramaters

    Hi! I recently noticed that my corals dont really grow and if they even do the growth would be minimal. I found out that my ph was low at 7.8 (had a high alk aswell) and i raised it to 8.2-8.3 but have seen minimal to no difference in anything. I do weekly 10% water changes and use RODI water...
  12. Conzo427

    Chemistry tips

    I recently acquired a 7 year old 29 gal tank. So it's well established, and the readings are pretty consistent. Being an amateur at this, I know a few readings are outside of the desired parameters but I'm not sure if I should worry, or just increase water changes. Currently I do a 5 gal change...
  13. Carbon Vessel

    My dry rock collapsed - chemistry is BAD!!!

    Hi all, So my chemistry was going well after cycling new tank in December 2021. It was my first aquascape attempt, and was in the middle of the ugly stage so I was doing a clean. During the clean, I knocked the top rock off and it almost crushed my torch and conch snail. Because I didn’t...
  14. spencerfe2010

    Issue keeping ph and calcium stable

    Hey all I have a 240g 5 months old water parameters are all good. The only issue I am having is keeping my 8.0-8.4 ph, it usually drops daily to 7.89 and hovers there. I dose alk 4 times a day at 200ml total daily. I can’t keep it to stay at above an 8. Calcium I dose 75ml a day and it...
  15. M

    Converting obsolete Hanna Nitrate Low Range Checker into a pH or Phosphate Checker?

    Hello fellow reefers, I recently started using the Hanna Nitrate HR and I think it is a huge improvement over the Low range checker. With this new checker I no longer dread testing Nitrate so me and my tank buddies are very happy with the purchase :) The problem is that I ended up with a $50...
  16. Cfellini91

    Rookie Mistake was made; I crashed my tank. Seeking advice as I move forward. Help with Damage Control.

    Two weeks ago I made the worst mistake to date when it comes to my nano. I went to dose my iodine (Lugol's) and did 2 drops instead of one. Then I dose double the amount of trace elements. I had planned to do a 20% WC the following morning. It seemed to be too late. My zoas, green stars, lepto...
  17. siPECTINIA

    Debris in aminos

    Is this safe? Looks like dirt or something only my second bottle ever
  18. Nate_Krohn

    What is the best phosphate remover?

    I’ve been struggling with keeping my phosphates under 1ppm and was wondering if I should try harder with doing water changes more frequently as in twice a week? Or should go to get a phosphate remover? Both my tanks have HOB equipment if that makes a difference with anything. I will post my...
  19. El_Guapo13

    Aiptasi x left in mailbox for 2 days in Texas heat, is it still good to use?

    As title says. I ordered Aiptasia X off of Amazon last week. It got delayed. It finally got delivered on June 30. Problem is, Amazon never sent me a notification of delivery. And since I don't drive down the street to get my mail from the mailbox every day, I of course did not get it until I...
  20. cwb_reeftank

    Tampa LFS?

    Hey I'm new in the Tampa area and I'm trying to find a good LFS, I'm trying to get ro water and the store I've been going to around here has been terrible. The water I got there smelled like rotten eggs and I picked up some emerald crabs and they died shortly after I got them. So if you know any...
  21. KeystoneMalone

    Baseline Parameters / Coral Growth / Dosing

    Hello reefers! Hope everyone and their families are doing well & enjoying the extra time with their reefs. I have a few questions- going to try and keep it relatively painless Quick facts about the tank in question: -IM Nuvo 20 - Weekly 5 gal water change with 0.00 TDS water since the tank has...
  22. FranklinDattein

    DIY Sticky Aiptasia Killing solution. Reef safe?

    Hi @Randy Holmes-Farley can you please advice if there is anything concerning on my DIY Aiptasia killing solution? I have been using this recipe for around 4 years, without a problem, on my SPS dominated reef tanks and my experience is positive. However, I was wondering if it could be...
  23. cwb_reeftank

    HELP needed

    Hey , I recently switched from t5 to led. Everything seemed to doing fine but then my LPS (Frogspawn) started to die and that was a couple weeks ago and now its completely gone (20+ heads) now both of my hammers are started to die as well. Does anyone have any suggestion on what to do? My SPS is...
  24. Cherub

    zeovit vs triton

    Hey all, Hopefully this is the right place on the forum to ask. I have been using kalk on my ATO and frankly that just doesn’t work for me. It’s completely inconsistent and I can certainly attribute this for random losses on occasion. Last week I lost 2 really nice across due to a spike and I...
  25. cwb_reeftank

    Internships in the industry?

    Does anyone know of any internships in aquaculture industry or anything that would go along with marine biology?