93% of the great barrier reef is practically dead

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Aliens dropped us here. They killed the dinosaurs too.


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This went from GBR dying to global warming being a hoax to creation vs evolution..wow!
More popcorn please!!


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The theory of evolution has everything to with the current development of super corals being bred to withstand these new conditions. It's why I've been talking about it so much.
But does politics and religion have to do with it? I'd say no, but maybe I'm an idiot.


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This went from GBR dying to global warming being a hoax to creation vs evolution..wow!
More popcorn please!!
well you're ne of the people who brought up global warming being a hoax, not that you can't voice your opinion, but don't be surprised about discussion on a topic you brought up... And I'm not trying to do creation vs evolution, I'm trying to explain a matter that's important to the subject. It seems like that's just not gonna work out at all so I'm unfollowing this thread. Not doing any good.


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But does politics and religion have to do with it? I'd say no, but maybe I'm an idiot.
I didn't bring up politics, specifically said I wanted to keep it out. I never brought up religion, I brought up scientific theories and others came by and brought up religion. I'm just trying to stay away from both of these things in this thread and talk about the science behind all of this but I can't. I'm done with this thread I don't want to get banned for derailing or something.


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Oh boy,
I would like to say this: The DNA that God has created is extremely precise. The coding must be perfect. Similiar to a computer. If the coding is not correct, the program does not work. Period.
*** for Tat, every DNA strand is perfect and works perfectly, seamlessly together.
Lets take a horse. In evolutional theory, over the years the horses could not reach the fruit to get off the trees. So over time, their necks stretched out. Over thousands of years they became Giraffes. Taller necks to reach up to the tallest trees.
Sorry, its not possible. The DNA of a Horse compared to a Giraffe is not even remotely close. IF THE DNA IS NOT CORRECT, THE ANIMAL IS IN BIG TROUBLE. USUALLY IT"BITES THE BIG ONE" IN LAYMANS TERMS.
I still need to see some hard proof for evolution. I have seen hard proof from Biblical texts on creation. Its everywhere. I can feel it. Its tangable.
Then theres the math. Its trillions upon trillions upon trillions upon trillians of times AGAINST evolution. And playing with DNA is playing with fire......literally.
Just my opinons. But the proof is there if you look. God wants you to look if you need to. I want you to look:)

I honestly can't even disagree with you before we clarify something, I think you got the evolution kind of backwards, I believe it was the initial theory of evolution that you've described. However, the thing about the science is that to make a name for yourself scientist look for the new ways to explain things or correct previous mistakes. For example , the real theory of evolution is that , Lets say animal X an ancestor of a giraffe was 6' tall, now there were not a lot of food on the ground or anywhere between the floor and 6 feet in the air, now there was just enough food to sustain a population of lets say a 100 of X. One afternoon , X mom and X dad had a baby , he was a strong little X and he grew to be just a hair 3" taller than his parents , I mean that is a possibility, anyone can imagine that. But here is the kicker, Little X soon realized that he did not have to compete for his food with everyone else who was shorter than him , he just reached up to the food that was available to him between 6' and -6'.3" because no one else could reach that , he did not have to look for food for the most of his day , because he had a lot of food available to him between 0" and 6'.3" , now he went on and had a lot of fund with the girls while all his other short friends were looking for food, he had 12 kids that were all tall just like him, 6'3" and they too did the same , soon enough there were a lot of taller ( lets call them X-alpha) x-alpha specimens that ate the food anywhere from 0" to 6.0" and if they didn't find the food there they just reached up another 3" and got the food the shorter guys couldn't get . Now they were always more fed than the shorter guys, and eventually the shorter guys had so little food that they had absolutely no time to fool around with the opposite sex , they were starving . While the taller ones had all the time in the world because they were fat and healthy. After a very very very very very very long time ( i mean no miserly 2000 years , or even 5000 years when the earth was flat.) , shorter guys kinda disappeared. So the process starts all over again , everyone of the X-alphas are on the same level 0-6.3" now the food is running low again , and one of the couples has a baby names X-Shaque , he is a big boy , he grew to be a whooping 7 feet tall, he could reach the fruits other guys couldn't even dream of , now he didn't even have to walk far , he just stood up and ate whatever , got fed really quick went to see his girlfriend and the process started all over again . Soon enough , after a very long time the process continued and after many many years, not 100 not even 2000 not even 3000 , may be 10,000 we eventually have the giraffes. And this is the current view of the evolution.

And the coolest thing is , you can actually speed up this process, sometimes it's called a selective breeding , For example , those weird scientists that are complaining about the ocean temperatures , actually figured out how. So as we all know , a lot of stag corals died off in florida due to ph , or temperature or diseases. So this crazy guy went to the ocean , found a stag that one stag that somehow survived in these horrible die off event , (think back to little X-Shaque) , and what he did is he started propagating that particular coral , and now they are replanting it on the completely dead reefs . So they used the evolution and sped up the process. You can check out youtube videos, to see that they are actually doing something . And I support that . ( Now I am not sure what happens to my church donations)

Now you and I can have different views on the religion vs science deal. But being in a reefing hobby , I'm sure you don't leave your lights off in your reef and pray for your corals to survive. And I don't let my alkalinity drop below 7-8 . Because , here's the kicker I know that some of my little corals won't survive, but i also know that some of these little tough guys will do just fine , because they are just a little bit stronger than everyone else. (Remember little X-Shaque) and that my friend is how evolution is done.
Also is you say god created the DNA then you believe that there is a DNA if you believe that there is a DNA you can look up that DNA isn't all that perfect there are ton of mutations going on from one DNA to another.


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Here is something to think about without getting peoples undies in a twist. In 1996 the Average Temp of the Earth Worldwide was 56.7 Degrees in 2015 it was 56.7 Degrees. Also Remember this about coral bleaching it happens during El Ninos and we just had the Strongest one in almost 20 years. The last one this strong was in 1997-98 and it lasted for 2 years. The coral reefs recovered then they will recover again. Humans have been on this planet a total of maybe 200 thousand years. Less than 200 Years ago there was No summer due to Volcanic Eruptions in the Pacific Ocean. When Kacratoa blew up it released more CO2 into the air than we would by burning all the coal in the World for 20,000 Years. Mount St Helens when she Blew her top off Released more CO2 than 1,000 years of every Coal fired Plant at the Height of the Industrial Age in the USA.

The people that think we have harmed this planet can not explain why the Polar Ice caps on both Poles are 50% larger now than just 3 years ago. I remember 30 years ago people saying we where heading for an Ice age. Now they are saying the planet it is getting to hot. How much do we really know about this Planet and her heating and Cooling cycles. NOTHING is what they really know they have theories that they can only guess at or prove if they change the data to prove it.


As to your First point -->

National Center for Environmental Information website says this.....

Global Temperatures
The State of the Climate November 2015 report noted that in order for 2015 to not become the warmest year in the 136-year period of record, the December global temperature would have to be at least 0.81°C (1.46°F) below the 20th century average—or 0.24°C (0.43°F) colder than the current record low December temperature of 1916. In fact, December 2015 was the warmest month of any month in the period of record, at 1.11°C (2.00°F) higher than the monthly average, breaking the previous all-time record set just two months ago in October 2015 by 0.12°C (0.21°F). This is the first time in the NOAA record that a monthly temperature departure from average exceeded 1°C or reached 2°F and the second widest margin by which an all-time monthly global temperature record has been broken. (February 1998 broke the previous record of March 1990 by 0.13°C / 0.23°F.)

With the contribution of such record warmth at year's end and with 10 months of the year record warm for their respective months, including the last 8 (January was second warmest for January and April was third warmest), the average global temperature across land and ocean surface areas for 2015 was 0.90°C (1.62°F) above the 20th century average of 13.9°C (57.0°F), beating the previous record warmth of 2014 by 0.16°C (0.29°F). This is not only the highest calendar year temperature, but also the highest temperature for any 12-month period on record. The global temperatures in 2015 were strongly influenced by strong El Niño conditions that developed during the year.

The 2015 temperature also marks the largest margin by which an annual temperature record has been broken. Prior to this year, the largest margin occurred in 1998, when the annual temperature surpassed the record set in 1997 by 0.12°C (0.22°F). Incidentally, 1997 and 1998 were the last years in which a similarly strong El Niño was occurring. The annual temperature anomalies for 1997 and 1998 were 0.51°C (0.92°F) and 0.63°C (1.13°F), respectively, above the 20th century average, both well below the 2015 temperature departure.

This marks the fourth time in the 21st century a new record high annual temperature has been set (along with 2005, 2010, and 2014) and also marks the 39th consecutive year (since 1977) that the annual temperature has been above the 20th century average. To date, including 2015, 15 of the 16 warmest years on record have occurred during the 21st century. 1998 is currently tied with 2009 as the sixth warmest year on record.

As to your Second Point ----> ( last sentence)

NASA Website

Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum
Editor’s note: Antarctica and the Arctic are two very different environments: the former is a continent surrounded by ocean, the latter is ocean enclosed by land. As a result, sea ice behaves very differently in the two regions. While the Antarctic sea ice yearly wintertime maximum extent hit record highs from 2012 to 2014 before returning to average levels in 2015, both the Arctic wintertime maximum and its summer minimum extent have been in a sharp decline for the past decades. Studies show that globally, the decreases in Arctic sea ice far exceed the increases in Antarctic sea ice.


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Remember we only have records for 136 YEARS. The data from fossils itself shows the earth can be way colder than this and hotter than this and things survive it. What we consider Normal people 10,000 years ago would be considering to HOT let alone 500 years ago during the mini Ice Age that gripped the world. The Earth has its own cycles plus what the sun does. Remember this all of us. The earth has been around for 4.5 Billion years has survived all that has happened to it from asteroid impacts to pole shifts to solar flares.

I have several friends that live in Alaska that work the Crab fleet hunting Opies in the winter. They would be the ones to ask on the Ice this year they could not even get to the far northern grounds. Why Iced over and they where almost chased off the southern portion of the grounds for the same reason.
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