I stopped equalising water for fish.


why did you put a reef in that
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agreed we need a range.

let's say .018 raised to .024, that's a fair representation of what the bulk of new tank owners encounter, it's listed that way on hundreds of our cycling posts. thank you for responding

within that tight range what's your view, I'm specifically saying it's killing some clownfish every once in a while and that cycling is getting blamed for it. I'm saying the only video we've seen so far is a stress marker video.

I do not hold Paul or Atoll in a special regard (immune to critique) until they manage work threads, a simple collection of everyone's tank winding up like theirs including disease loss rates, coral growth rates and lack of invasion. I have for sure seen that their home reefs are at the apex of what's possible in reefing, acknowledged.

Paul and Atoll have 2 of the best home reefs I've ever seen, I value longevity above topshelf coral collections on instragram. They're top two best reefs I know of.

is it possible to admire someone's home reef, and then feel like proof transmissibility of that outcome is lacking when I can't see 1500 reefs running their method in a clean arrangement?

I find Atoll's and Paul's home reef 100% great but I find their ability to get the same results for others not as great, to the point I doubt a lot of the info said especially regarding disease. that leads to further doubt in what they're saying about salinity, because it contrasts from what Jay writes. he says to be careful, and 100% of Jay's work is outbound. his whole forum is a work thread.

From our cycling work threads, it's my opinion that skipping acclimation in these barren, hospital-type (uninviting) not fed well no hiding place new systems is killing a small % of fish with the seven point acclimation shock as the final insult.

the tipping point

and I want that changed to match the changes we're applying for cycling science in the hobby (aiming folks to disease prep reading before they learn invented fear of ammonia control issues, we now want them factoring acclimation safely too, not bag dripping)

I wanted Atoll to simply differentiate those types of tanks from his own example, because his readers hold him in high regard due to his noted aquarium quality.

work thread patterns emerging are opposite from advice in this thread, although any long-term established reef has such variables aligned that the guaranteed osmotic shock from a seven point jump won't be anyone's tipping point. context matters.

I got none of this detail from the opening post from Atoll. I got the direct hint that anyone could skip acclimation altogether.

be willing to evolve + a reef sage, that's what obi wan would do. advise the masses to have a smart form of salinity acclimation based on anticipated needs for the hobby
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Just another girl who likes fish
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Quantitatively, how much is too far off?

Is adjusting the salinity of your tank assuming one is not putting them directly in thier main display?
There is a wealth of information already on R2R and other sites about safe salinity differences and how to manage. I'm not going to regurgitate it here.


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I've only ever lost fish from not drip acclimating. A giant sudden change is definitely life threatening and I would not recommend it in the slightest. When drip acclimating throw in a poly filter and small bubbler to increase water quality. I have never lost a fish when acclimating this way.


2 lost souls swimming in a fish bowl ...
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I can honestly say, that I have no experience, specifically, as to what you are talking about. Acclimation vs nitrogen cycling, anyway. Every tank I have ever set up, (dry, live, mixed, etc) has ran for months before adding fish to it. As to your question, going from 1.018 to 1.024 SG is only .006 difference, and does not seem significant enough for me to step up or down. Then again, I have no basis for my belief either. Only that I do not acclimate for salinity.

I do believe you have mixed up a couple things though. I do not remember seeing anywhere in the original post stating that the acclimation (or lack thereof) was being done on a new tank where the nitrogen cycle was not completed, or questioned. Or that any losses, if any, we're being blamed on cycling. Or maybe I missed the point in that part... I am a 3rd shift person and up past my bedtime.
I will also add that I am no sage by any means, and I have not taken a fraction of the time you have, to read, study, compare other people's tanks. So I will have to take your word, that there have been some clownfish deaths due to acclimation. All I can truly speak for is my own, and I am batting 1000 on no deaths.
I do commend you for all the hard work and effort put into the rip clean, disease and cycling threads though !

Lowell Lemon

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This is not a one size fits all discussion. If you are bring the fish home from the local shop floating and transfer may be fine. But if you are getting fish from a shipper you should match Ph in the transfer tank to the bag. Ph is logarithmic and this is the biggest killer in my experience. Bring the Ph up over 24 hours for best results in acclimation of fish, sharks and rays. Get them out of the dirty shipping water as soon as possible into similar Ph to prevent toxic shock.

Paul B

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Do we all agree 100% unison that skipping acclimation and putting low salinity fish into reefs is physically stressful all the time, but many fish just tough it out
This is like asking: "Are you sure you are lying".
We all agree to an extent, some of us 100% and some 3%. It can't be answered.
Paul and Atoll have 2 of the best home reefs I've ever seen,
I disagree 100%. While Atoll has a magnificent reef mine doesn't look anywhere near some of the wonderful reefs on some of these forums. Not lately anyway. But my undergravel filter is stupendous. :D


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Great job taking part of my comment and posting out of context...
How strange. Not at all after all you quoted my post then went on to say what you did about it. If it was out of context then it is because you decided to quote from my origional post.


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Thank.you for your kind comments on my reef tank, you are too kind but much appreciated. You are wrong however, I think there are better reef tanks on here than mine.

I posted my thread to stimulate discussion, tell a tail as to what a well respected LFS informed me and how I have been introducing my fish since. No thou must from me.

I am not suggesting what I do would be suitable for every species of fish as I have never kept them all. There may well be fish that are a lot more sensitive than others to what I do I just haven't encountered any.

I do acclimatise snails and corals slowly including adding water to try and equalise between what's in the bag and the DT. I probably do that over an hour,sometimes more. Do I test the water in the bag before I start, nope. I keep meaning to do that but never seem to remember to do so.

I guess my fish and inverts survive and prosper despite or is it because of what I do when introducing them, who can say. I am a retired carpenter and most of what I do has been through trails, rethinking what I used to do based on what we were told and thinking out the box, all undertaken over many years as you know. Science as such was always secondary. I have this awful affliction, it's called, if it ain't broken fix it anyway.

I believe there are many ways to achieve similar results and I think Paul would agree we would not advise people to follow what we do for reasons that have been stated before on here.

I fell upon Paul's drivel... I mean writings, his methods and tank thread quite by chance some years ago. Although we don't practice exactly the same there are of course many recognisable similarities. I have also documented where we differ and why. One example is I don't add mud, you can't get tropical mud in the cold Irish sea for instance.

Anyway, I digress. Debate, sharing knowledge and differences of opinion are all open season to me.

PS I do sometimes play devil's advocate.
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Mark Gray

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Many years ago a well respected knowledgeable guy working in an LFS told me he doesn't equalise water parameters when introducing fish to the store. All he did was to float the bags for 15mins before releasing them.
He assured me it was no problem for the fish and that getting it out into decent water quality asap was more important.
Since then I have always done the same with no apparent ill affects to any of my fish.
Controversial I know esp to those who drip acclimatise their fish.
Tell me why he and I are so wrong not to mix water before releasing fish into the DT etc.
Many years ago fish could spend 4 to 7 days in a bag due to there was no such thing as overnight shipping. Got them to tank temp and in they went. I still do it this way.

Mark Bradley

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I do acclimate fish slowly but get the corals in once the water temp has equalised. My water quality is very similar to my LFS (I buy my water from there) and, as a coral ‘farmer’, he says that is the best way. Slowly acclimating the corals causes them more stress. I don’t buy many fish (last one was 6 months ago) and can’t say, having thought about it, why I use two methods :-(


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I 100% lost a coral beauty and a damsel to a quick salinity jump. On the other hand, I acclimated 2 lyretail anthias for 2 hrs inside the bag from lfs with no ill effects. To me it just seems like one of those unneeded shortcuts that's adds unnecessary risk to the fish no matter how small you may think the risk is I think everyone would agree there is at least a small amount. I'm supposed to get a shipment this week and I already have my observation tank set to sg 1.020 in preparation. What I'm finding in this hobby is the more I try and take shortcuts while making changes or adding livestock the more issues I cause in the long run. Best, for me, to take it slow and not skip these small steps

Sump Crab

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I literally do zero acclimation on anything. No issues. I’m in the camp that believes the stress caused by being stuck in a bag is worse for the fish than any minor change in water parameters.


Wrasse and Eel Nerd
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Thank you for sharing. I imagine it was stressful for you and the fish both. Did the fish survive?

What would you do differently now?
Yes its doing well now but it came very close to not making it.

As for different, it's simple but I test the salinity of the water and try and get it within .02 of my water. How I messed up was down to not testing and not taking the increased volume of the bigger bag it was in. I just did the same drip rate I would do for a fish in a regular sized bag.


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While there is a ton of useful information available all over the web, not all individuals are adept at finding said info.....
Or maybe they are looking for additional information and trying to start a more in depth conversation...
