DIY phyto base light wiring question...


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Jun 12, 2009
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I will be doing 14 of these ( to better display my phytoplankton jars and I had some wiring questions.

The person who designed these is using a DC 36V 2A AC 100-240V power supply Adapter 72W and is running 4 setups that have a PCB board with nine 1W LED diodes in series.

Wiring them in series divides the total voltage up across all the LEDs correct? I have a 48V 7.5A 360W power supply brick that has 3 sets of 48V outputs like this

The LEDs are these guys:

If the designer of the setup was able to get 4 setups running on a 36V 2A 72W power supply wired in series in theory I should be able to run more than 4 with my 48V power supply correct? What math do I do to figure out how many I could run off one 48V outputs?

I also plan to use a small 24V fan for cooling using a LM2596 step down module to get to 24V and I was wondering how that would affect things and how I would wire those in?


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You need to add a driver or at least a terminating resistor to any series strings.
With 48v DC you can run 13 leds in series assumption is the V(f) at 500mA is 3.6v ,(so 1.8w each, 23.4w total)


The amount of outputs is irrelevant.
It's for convience.

At 360 watts available you could run about 15 parallel strings of 13 leds in series.
Though if this is a cheap ,Chinese power supply i'd not push it.
Keep any design under say 300 watts total. Like 12 strings. Less than that is fine as well though you can lose a lot of ps efficiency by going too low
You know like doing 1 string.

Btw those resistors control the current and are considered fairly critical by most.

Note also this uses assumptions that may not be valid for different LEDs.
Only way to be sure is to build and test.

To increase efficiency one would lower the voltage differential if the power supply allows tweaking
Using the above ( 3.6,500mA) tweaking the power supply to 47 volts allows one to use 1 Ohm 1/4 watt resistors.
Wasting less in heat
Oh and though the calculator suggests 1/4 watt i'd do 1/2 watt.

1w in the original...

Oops completely ignored your led data.
Soo I'll use 3.3 @500mA.
14 in series at 48v 3.9 Ohm 1w ( double wattage for safety).
23w each 14 led series string
Same max 15 strings though, again stick w like 12.

At 47v 1.8 Ohm 1/2 watt

As to the fan...just factor in the fans wattage w = v x A
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