This is a plea to the coral experts on R2R and to the Reef2Reef staff.
This forum is outstanding in the information and platform it provides for thousands of aquarists worldwide.
That said, I find that a weakness in the forum (at least for me) is the difficulty in researching coral diseases and treatments.
Perhaps the issue is poor search techniques on my part, or perhaps the issue is lack of scientific information in the first place.
What is the possibility of finding "experts" in the area of coral diseases who could moderate a new sub-forum that could be as successful as the "Fish Disease Treatment and Diagnosis" sub-forum?
Over the past few years, I have experienced several "kill" events in my tank. Most seem to have been "RTN" (looks like Brown Jelly disease in many cases), some have been slower deaths. In most of my kill events, whole colonies die in a matter of days, if not hours, with little opportunity to reverse the situation. While one colony dies completely, other nearby colonies are not even touched or affected.
Certainly, water quality issues are the starting point for diagnosis and treatment in almost all cases, and that's the first line of response by board members when a die off occurs. Unfortunately, information or suggestions beyond water quality are either hard to find in searches, or perhaps not available at all.
I suspect the challenges of dealing with coral diseases diagnosis and treatment is a major reason some hobbyists abandon reef tanks after a year or two.
Maybe you don't agree this is a problem area. If not, what advice can you give to help the poor souls that, as hard as they try, continue to have issues with coral deaths?
This forum is outstanding in the information and platform it provides for thousands of aquarists worldwide.
That said, I find that a weakness in the forum (at least for me) is the difficulty in researching coral diseases and treatments.
Perhaps the issue is poor search techniques on my part, or perhaps the issue is lack of scientific information in the first place.
What is the possibility of finding "experts" in the area of coral diseases who could moderate a new sub-forum that could be as successful as the "Fish Disease Treatment and Diagnosis" sub-forum?
Over the past few years, I have experienced several "kill" events in my tank. Most seem to have been "RTN" (looks like Brown Jelly disease in many cases), some have been slower deaths. In most of my kill events, whole colonies die in a matter of days, if not hours, with little opportunity to reverse the situation. While one colony dies completely, other nearby colonies are not even touched or affected.
Certainly, water quality issues are the starting point for diagnosis and treatment in almost all cases, and that's the first line of response by board members when a die off occurs. Unfortunately, information or suggestions beyond water quality are either hard to find in searches, or perhaps not available at all.
I suspect the challenges of dealing with coral diseases diagnosis and treatment is a major reason some hobbyists abandon reef tanks after a year or two.
Maybe you don't agree this is a problem area. If not, what advice can you give to help the poor souls that, as hard as they try, continue to have issues with coral deaths?