Is the EcoTech VorTech worth it for the price?


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One thing to be EXTREMELY CAREFUL of is not to let the wetside magnet bang up against a metal sink of anything else ferris. If you do that you run the risk of cracking the magnet inside, putting stress on the encased plastic, creating a tiny crack. Then it's only a matter of time salt water gets inside and rusts it out.

Heed the advice. This happened to me


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Drop it in a mild acid like citric for a couple hours and then wipe off all the goo.

You can go as far as taking the propeller out and cleaning inside there.

If you're storing it after cleaning (multiple wetsides) add some silicone grease to the surfaces that the magnet rest on the ceramic washer, a little goes a long way. Otherwise, if you're putting it back into service you can skip the grease.

One thing to be EXTREMELY CAREFUL of is not to let the wetside magnet bang up against a metal sink of anything else ferris. If you do that you run the risk of cracking the magnet inside, putting stress on the encased plastic, creating a tiny crack. Then it's only a matter of time salt water gets inside and rusts it out.
Thanks, I do appreciate the answer.

Reef Puncher

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Funny reading this thread and I just pulled two MP40's out of my cube tank and went back to a cheap chinese gyre (temporarily). Had them in service previously, and retired them back when the Nero 5's hit the scene. Tried them again and still dont care for them.

Just not sold on them, I seriously tried to embrace them. Nothing severe, just nitpicky issues for me... If they arent aligned perfectly, noisey buggers. Wet sides arent cheap, cord management can be a pain when placed on side panels, mobius is for the birds, etc....

Would I buy them @ 469$ a pop with current 2024 prices. Hard pass. Think I paid 249 back in 2015 and they were 1st gen Qd's with reef link. Ill give ecotech credit when/where its due, they gave me a wetside for free when I sent one in to be rebuilt, about 2 years ago. Thus I'm one for two with their customer service. Now the vectra, you couldnt give me another one of them for free, long sour taste in my mouth from that craptacular experience.

Mine MAY be for sale.
the new quiet drive generation, those are dead silent. i also have a 10 year old mp10, that one did vibrate some and made some noise. but not the new ones. the cords are in no way a pain, no more than the cords of a regular wavemaker. now ecotech radions? i have those too i cant say those are worth their price, but the vortechs 100% are by far and away the best wavemakers on market and nothing even comes close. the ability to just pull the wet side out and clean it super fast and the clean look of not having cords in your tank cannot be understated enough.

Ben's Pico Reefing

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Like many have said it is more aesthetic for vortech but there is one catch I found.

If you want to keep it in a specific spot but point in a different direction, you cant. So if there is a spot you want to keep it to hide the pump behind rocks or up top out of view more, you can't point it to the area you want. There is no angling and you have to move the pump if your looking for certain areas to get flow you will have to slide it to that area. Where as most others, you can point and adjust without moving.

I had an mp10 on a 5 gallon and was a beautiful tank no cords hanging the tank. But took a lot of figuring to place and adjust to get the flow I needed.


Fight The Good Fight
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Many like the no cord option in the tank for visual purposes. They are nice pumps but like everthing else thats nice in this hobby its pricey.
I prefer Sea Sweeps and Tunze pumps since the powerhead sweeps the tank. They are big units but Instead of 4- 6 pumps you can get away with 1 or 2. Plus the cord runs through the sweep.
Except for the footprint im not sure why these are not more popular.
With that I have never owned a mp pump.


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Many like the no cord option in the tank for visual purposes. They are nice pumps but like everthing else thats nice in this hobby its pricey.
I prefer Sea Sweeps and Tunze pumps since the powerhead sweeps the tank. They are big units but Instead of 4- 6 pumps you can get away with 1 or 2. Plus the cord runs through the sweep.
Except for the footprint im not sure why these are not more popular.
With that I have never owned a mp pump.

I use the Sea Swirl with rand flows on the ends. Both Swirl and Sweep are great products.


The Dude Abides
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I'm a BIG believer in procuring quality hardware from the get-go. And with some hardware such as a Skimmer, Fleece Roller and Lighting, I absolutely won't compromise quality for budget. But powerheads within the DT are an exception to my rule. Those I have no issue with saving money on. That being said, I'm NOT going to skimp on them for my future build only because I like the versatility of the Gyre DC series. It boils down, for me, to meeting my goals for the tank. I'm gonna need what the Gyres provide.


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Like many have said it is more aesthetic for vortech but there is one catch I found.

If you want to keep it in a specific spot but point in a different direction, you cant. So if there is a spot you want to keep it to hide the pump behind rocks or up top out of view more, you can't point it to the area you want. There is no angling and you have to move the pump if your looking for certain areas to get flow you will have to slide it to that area. Where as most others, you can point and adjust without moving.

I had an mp10 on a 5 gallon and was a beautiful tank no cords hanging the tank. But took a lot of figuring to place and adjust to get the flow I needed.
I forgot who made it but I bought a 3d printed directional adapter for an mp40 that works reasonably well that solves that problem. There's likely a version for an mp10 as well.

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