Jerrico’s Tank Upgrade 15g to 44g


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Apr 5, 2023
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Ive run a Fluval Flex 15g for 2 years now and was starting to become interested in a new tank. The old stand that I have is falling apart and it’s close to its last days anytime now. So I started looking for a new setup.
I bought this current setup off FB marketplace and figured I’d have some luck trying again….nothing. At least nothing I’d be interested in building or having in my house. I didn’t want anything too big like 75g and up but I also didn’t want anything too small.

I gave up for a while then one day I was in Petsmart looking for cat food and noticed this odd sized tank. It was offered as a 37g but I knew there was no way it was that small. The standard 37g is only 12inches in depth, this one was 15.5. So I took it home. Honestly for a 150bucks I couldn’t be happier. It’s 30L x 22H x 15.5D from what I’ve used for online volume calculations it says it about 44.5g and honestly I’m happy with that. I want to keep to my 1 bucket water changes every week.

Now the next dilemma is what am I going to put this on? I went right back to Marketplace but with no avail. I wanted something taller I didn’t want to crouch over to look into the tank like I do now. The tank will be setup in my entry way. Mostly it’s standing traffic that walks by it so I wanted to kinda tall. So I went to the local IKEA. I know it’s garbage but I found something it could use for cheap. And it brings the total height to the setup to 60in to the top rim of the tank. I know it’s garbage and I’m gonna have to brace the insides so I plan in building a quick 2x4 bracing inside.

Filtration was of very little concern, I knew I was going to build a AIO chamber in the center back if the tank. I bought a 24x36x1/4 sheet of black acrylic from Amazon. Still yet to cut it up but that’s the project for the week. I want to transfer this tank within the next couple weeks

This build thread will kinda be DIY cause I like to build/modify stuff more than anything. I’ll try to take as many pics along the way.

Here’s my current Flex 15g IMG_8416.jpeg

And the new 44g on its stand



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Did some bracing tonight. Took apart the stand a little and beefed it up with 2x4’s across the top and some 2x10s on either side. And a cross brace on the very bottom. Glued the wood to the ikea cabinet. I think it’ll be plenty strong enough now. IMG_8424.jpeg
IMG_8422.jpeg IMG_8421.jpeg IMG_8420.jpeg

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