At the very least, you can run 1/4" R/O tubing from the basement to the tank area, with a shutoff valve at the tank. I used to do this with my old tank. I ran it across the basement and drilled a tiny hole in the floor under my stand. It also helped with top-off. I would do my water changes with an 18 gallon Rubbermaid container. Fill container with R/O at the tank, mix in salt, let it mix with small powerhead, remove old water, and pump or dump the new water. It's not a perfect method, but it alleviates having to carry water up the stairs. Running that small tubing is super easy in an unfinished basement, but can also be done with a finished basement, with an electrical snake and a little bit of handy work.I use IO Reef Crystals and have for many years. Mainly because its whats available from my LFS
Water changes are about 1 every 3-4 months so probably not often enough. There are many folks on here who do them far less often than that and I don't have a great setup for that so I slack there. Good points about pre-measuring and prepping but for me its carrying 10 five gallon buckets up and down the basement stairs that becomes difficult.
Obviously, I need to do more - that's low-hanging fruit