I’ve got a spotted mandarin that I’ve had in my tank for three months. Usually he is zooming about the tank doing acrobatics.
The last couple of days he just sits on the rock or on the sand. I feed him brine shrimp twice a day and he’s eating some but is a lot slower. I also dose copepods every couple of weeks.
He’s not showing any signs of starving I don’t think and he’s the only fish in my tank so he doesn’t have to fight for food. I bought him off a friend, who had him two years and had bought him off someone else so I don’t know how old he is.
Here are my parameters. I’m dosing alk to try raise it.
The last couple of days he just sits on the rock or on the sand. I feed him brine shrimp twice a day and he’s eating some but is a lot slower. I also dose copepods every couple of weeks.
He’s not showing any signs of starving I don’t think and he’s the only fish in my tank so he doesn’t have to fight for food. I bought him off a friend, who had him two years and had bought him off someone else so I don’t know how old he is.
Here are my parameters. I’m dosing alk to try raise it.