Any problems with the float valve?
Have any systems in place to detect if it gets stuck open?
I've never had a problem with the float valve. For full disclosure, this tank has not been running very long, but I used a float valve on my last tank for ~2 1/2 years and it "failed" twice. Both times because a cord or something else interfered with movement of the float. The actual "valve" portion of the float valve only has filtered RODI water and I have it set well above the sumps waterline, so it's never been clogged open.
I also oversized the acrylic mounting plate to prevent any cords from contacting the float itself. (It has holes because its a recycled piece that was a failed attempt to build a probe holder.)
Another fail safe is the needle valve is set to a slow drip. It would probably take 2 days for the 10 gallons of RODI to drip into the tank/sump. It's a 220 display with a 75 gallon DIY sump that I made with the ability to handle an extra 10 gallons of water without overflowing, with the return pump off. So even if the float valve does fail on/open, its not a problem. If it fails closed, the return pump sucks air and the sound and bubbles it creates is very easy to notice. If all else fails, I also lined my stand with a PVC shower pan liner to contain any drips and small floods.
So no, I don't have any alarms for a stuck float valve.