Also, I dosed the ReBiotic to the ailing backup system yesterday. In the fashion of taking it slow, I only dosed 3g for about 75g system volume. I really hope this stuff equalizes the biome back to (or at least close) what it was when I first set it up. Fingers Crossed
I’ll be ordering the Zeovite media for all systems as well. Again, taking it slow as to not knock my balance off.
Hey Jesse,
Yes take it slow, I am finding bacteria with coral snow to be quite effective at sequestering po4, so do 24 hour test, day to day, to see the impact. Increase feeding for corals,
Rebiotic is really interesting, it adheres to all surfaces, innoculating them with bacteria, you can see it sticking to algaes, rocks, even the glass bottom. It does what it claims, so far, and that's good for me.
Thank you for following along brother, this is difficult to put to words, but after some communication with Allan, we are both picking each other's brains, and of course that helps each of us to gain new insights, from different perspectives.
Hopefully, if this continues to be revealing, perhaps "OTS" and "NTS" may not be as challenging. More to come