Hi all, I have a 90x45x45cm reef tank with soft corals and LPS. I have a decent number of fish and invertebrates at this point and don’t plan on adding anything else for a while, but with the below stocking do you think in the future the tank could accommodate more fish?
Bonded Percula clown pair
Indigo dottyback
Yellow striped blenny
Tessellated blenny
Court jester goby
Watchman goby
Serpent starfish
Pistol shrimp
Tuxedo urchin
A few snails and hermit crabs
Apart from the clowns the other fish mostly hide in caves and rockwork most of the time.
I would like to get maybe a few chromis or cardinal fish in the future, maybe a royal gramma or firefish, but don’t know if I would overstocking.
All the fish I currently have are captive bred if that makes a difference (I read somewhere that captive bred tend to be smaller).
Bonded Percula clown pair
Indigo dottyback
Yellow striped blenny
Tessellated blenny
Court jester goby
Watchman goby
Serpent starfish
Pistol shrimp
Tuxedo urchin
A few snails and hermit crabs
Apart from the clowns the other fish mostly hide in caves and rockwork most of the time.
I would like to get maybe a few chromis or cardinal fish in the future, maybe a royal gramma or firefish, but don’t know if I would overstocking.
All the fish I currently have are captive bred if that makes a difference (I read somewhere that captive bred tend to be smaller).