Hello all! I'm posting here because I am sort of at a loss. I have spent a good chunk of time over the past week that I have been acclimating my copperband butterfly combing over posts related to how finicky they are of eaters. I have gone down every rabbit hole I can find- from stray voltage to fish aggression, and I cannot seem to get this copperband to take a bite. I have tried blackworms, clams on the half shell, hatching brine shrimp, copepods and mussel. This fish seemed to be happy for the first two days in the tank, he was spending lots of time peering through my rockwork looking for food. I've even seen him mistake the 'whiskers' on my starry blenny for what I'm assuming was aiptasia and try to take a bite. I'm wondering if I need to supply him with aiptasia as the only source of food he will eat? I have not run into anything like this before. His behavior has changed from milling about slowly to running figure 8 laps along the back glass of the tank, which wouldn't be too concerning all by itself if it weren't for him becoming noticeably skinnier over the past 2 days that this behavior has occurred. I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas of anything else I can try to attempt to save this fish. I have freshwater dipped him within the past week as part of treatment for flukes for another fish recently added, the tank is also dosed with PraziPro. They are also being fed Metro + Focus with their daily frozen food, but that isn't added to the clams on the half shell or blackworms I try feeding daily.