I"m glad that the NO3 is working for you man. Kudos on getting your dosage just right. I've had a hard time finding the right amount to keep the concentration at 5 ppm consistently. I have found that with all of my feedings, my NO3 have hovered around 4ppm for roughly 2 weeks before I noticed a decline to 1 yesterday when I did my test using Redsea's kit.
The color change is impressive to say the least for you man.
Thank you Justin,
I too have learned that NO3 dosing isn't an exact science. I am still not out of the woods yet. Now that I have reached the "magic" number, lets see if I can maintain. From what others have experienced NO3 seems to have a cumulative effect and it will be easy to overdose. This week I reduced the amount of KNO3 I am adding to 20 gallon of ATO water. Now I am adding 3 tsp instead of 4. We will see what happens.